Useful Tips

Pikler Triangle - The perfect toy to keep you little ones engaged during these testing times

Jun 07, 2021

What is a Pikler triangle?

A pikler triangle is a simple but sturdy climbing structure that invites children to develop gross motor skills at their own pace. The pikler encourages the child to explore and challenge the potential and capabilities of their body and physical strength.  It grows with your child and can be used by children between 5 months and right until 5 years and upwards.

How does the Pikler support each stage of development?

The pikler supports each age and stage of development in the appropriate manner.

The pikler can transform into a floor gym for a newborn baby – you can add baby mobiles or other fun elements for your baby to explore.

For a baby can crawl, the pikler serves as a sturdy support to hold and explore.

When your baby can stand, the pickler is an aid to pull up against and stand. When they begin to walk, they can use the pikler to cruise till they comfortable enough to let go and walk without support.

Soon the toddler who is walking can now climb up and down the pikler at their own pace.

As they grow older, children explore the pikler and challenge themselves in multiple ways.

What are the benefits of the Pikler Triangle?

The Pikler supports the child’s innate need for movement and exploration. It promotes gross motor development as it involves all the different muscle groups of the body and encourages big movements. The Pikler helps your child understand their own body, learn about its potential and limits at their own time. This helps them develop a healthy body scheme and encourages spatial awareness.

Being able to climb independently increases your child’s self-esteem and confidence. The Pikler empowers your child’s curiosity and self-directed play. It improves coordination, concentration and grip strength.The Pikler encourages experimentation and kindles their curiosity. It also aids collaboration, teamwork and cooperative play. The Pikler builds intrinsic motivation and foster’s a child’s connection to the outside world. It also builds the child’s imagination and provides them with the optimum challenge to explore the limits of their body in a safe and fun manner.

What are the different ways in which children can play with the Pikler?

The pikler supports the child’s growing independence and open-ended creative play. It can become

  • a mountain to climb over
  • a tunnel to crawl under
  • a fort
  • a reading nook
  • an obstacle course
  • indoor tent for make believe play
  • a place to play ‘house’
  • a stage for a puppet show
  • a place to hang toys from
  • the ramp can become a slide
  • race cars down the slide

Here are some other ideas for you to try:

  • if you have a very young child, you can play peek a boo by covering the pikler with a blanket
  • tie toys to the pikler and let children ‘rescue’ them by untying them
  • weave a scarf or thick ribbons through the pikler and let your children try and take them off
  • experiment rolling balls of different kinds and other objects down the ramp and see which one goes the fastest
  • use a dark blanket over the pikler to create a ‘dark’ space and experiment with lights under it

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